Private flute lessons in Potsdam & Berlin & online
In my perspective teaching how to play an instrument includes the transfer of knowledge, the ability of patience, flexibility and to reveal the “hidden” skills of a player. Besides working on technique, timbre, scales and extending the repertoire, I focus also on conveying the understanding of music and its underlying intention.
All this is important to become a strong self‐confident and self‐aware performer. To me, playing music is about connecting yourself with your instrument, to trust yourself and your skills as well as ‘just’ enjoying to make music.
Since 2012 I have a teaching position for flute at the University of Potsdam.
You can book private flute lessons here:
sabine [at] sabvog [dot] de
+49 (0)179 – 2039691
Workshops & lectures
tuning-in(to) presence
lecture /workshop about my work in and with the natural environment as well as with other players. The workshop is about perception, listening and improvisation.
Workshops and lectures in the past (selection)
- SARC, Belfast
- Floating University, Berlin
- dBs Music, Berlin
- Escuela Superior de Música Inba, Mexico-City
- University Newcastle
- University Edinburgh
- Peabody Institute in Baltimore
- Internationale Ferienkurse Darmstadt
- Inter Arts Center, Malmö
I am a certificated Soundpainter and since 2015 I have a teaching position with Soundpainting at the HMT Rostock.
Also together with founder of Soundpainting, Walter Thompson, I give the certifications in Germany.
You can book me for workshops and education projects.
Soundpainting is the universal multidisciplinary live composing sign language for musicians, actors, dancers, and visual Artists. Presently (2021) the language comprises more than 1500 gestures that are signed by the Soundpainter (composer) to indicate the type of material desired of the performers. The creation of the composition is realized, by the Soundpainter, through the parameters of each set of signed gestures. The Soundpainting language was created by Walter Thompson in Woodstock, New York in 1974.
education projects (selection):
- Radio Symphony Orchestra Berlin
- Tonhalle Düsseldorf
- Kammerakademie Potsdam
- Ensemble ORIOL
- fabrik Potsdam
workshops in the past (selection):
- Westerwälder Soundpainting Orchetser
- GONG Soundpainting Orchestra Aaarau
- Kreativ Studio, Berlin Philharmonics,
- Mozarteum Salzburg
- HMT Osnabrück
- HMT Mannheim
- HMT Leiptig
- Bruckner University Linz
- Landeskonservatorium Tirol
- Kinder Kinder, Hamburg
- Jugendmusikschule Hamburg