picnic concerts with experimental music

Paretzer Field Music is a picnic concert series in Paretz in Havelland. Events with concert installations, improvised and new music take place there on 4 Sundays between May and September. Visitors are invited to bring their own picnic blankets and baskets. Seasonal products from the neighbouring gardener CAROMATISCH will also be on offer.

Paretzer Field Music ist eine Picknick Konzertserie in Paretz im Havelland. An 4 Sonntagen zwischen Mai und September finden dort Veranstaltungen mit Konzertinstallationen, improvisierter und Neuer Musik statt. Die Besucher*innen sind eingeladen Picknickdecken und – körbe selbst mitzubringen. Es werden aber auch saisonale Produkte der angrenzenden Gärtnerei CAROMATISCH angeboten.
all about BIRDS
: Meinrad Kneer double bass – Alex Nowitz voice – Sabine Vogel – flutes
…von Magie und Wirklichkeit
Susanne Fröhlich recorder – Marc Sinan guitar – Meinrad Kneer double bass
Fantastische Ornithologie Lena Czerniawska

17.00 und 18.00 bird watchingwith ornithologist Meinrad Kneer
This concert is part of OFFENEN ATELIERS in Paretz (Sa /So 14-19 Uhr Ateliers of Annette Wienen, Anette Hollmann, Anja Mattenklott, magenta arts)

contemporary compositions for accordion solo
Eva Zöllner accordion
presents a new, site-specific, installative work with live-performance
Kathy Hinde* (UK)live-electronics –  Sabine Vogel flutesn
*Kathy Hinde’s appearence is supported by Arts Council England

Trees, Traces & Roots
site specific, installation performance by SPLITTER ORCHESTER 

concert installation by
Tony Buck
Duos and Trio: Tony Buck drums – Marina Cyrino (BRA) amplified flutes – Sabine Vogel flutes & objects

This concert is part of the Month of Contemporary Music Berlin, initiated by Neue Musik e.V. / field notes berlin.

Wegbeschreibung /(english Version below):
Neben der Gärtnerei CAROMATISCH, gegenüber der Rosenvilla in Paretz (Paretz-Hofer-Str. 48, 14669 Ketzin)
Ab Paretzer-Hofer-Str. 48 bitte der Beschilderung folgen.
Anreise mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln:
Der RE4 nach WUSTERMARK fährt vom Berliner Hauptbahnhof oder von Berlin Jungfernheide ab. Von Wustermark fährt der Bus 642 (Richtung Ketzin).
Oder man fährt mit dem RE 1 nach Potsdam und nimmt vom Potsdam Hauptbahnhof den Bus 614 (Richtung Gutenpaaren).
SCHLOSS PARETZ aussteigen, danach sind es ca. 10 Minuten Fußweg. 

Um 15 Uhr kommt der Bus aus Potsdam an und kurz vor 15 Uhr kommt ein Bus in Paretz an – wir warten mit Beginn der Veranstaltung auf Ankömmlinge.
Mit dem Fahrrad fährt man ab Wustermark ca. 30 Minuten. 

How to get there by public transportation.
There is the RE4 leaving from Berlin main station or Berlin Jungfernheide. Get off at Wustermark. Either take a bus (614 direction Ketzin) from there or you can take the RE 1 to Potsdam and take bus 614 from Potsdam main station (direction Gutenpaaren). Get off at SCHLOSS PARETZ. From there it is a 10 minutes walk. There will be one bus arriving shortly before 3 pm. We will wait for you!
You also can take the bikes on the train and just bike from WUSTERMARK (approx. 30 minutes)
Come and join us for a nice afternoon with music in nature.
this is the link on google maps:

From Paretzer-Hofer-Str.48 just follow the signs. 
Bring your own picnic blanket, food and drinks.
We will offer a little bit of food and drinks as well.

artistic director: Sabine Vogel
project coordinator: Christin Eckart
flyer design: Lena Czerniawska

tickets: solidarity price system / donation basis

funded by


picnic concerts with experimental music

PARETZER FIELD MUSIC – May/June/July/August 2023

07.05. Land’s Air – AUS – Eduardo Cassio (zither) / Josten Myburgh (sax)
Emilio Gordoa (perc) / Josten Myburgh (sax) / Sabine Vogel (fl)
18.06. Silke Eberhard (sax) / Uli Gumpert (pn) @ ROSENVILLA
Andrea Parkins (acc & live-electr) / Sabine Vogel (fl)
16.07. Luigi Marino (cymbals, zarb) / Biliana Voutchkova (vl) / Sabine Vogel (fl)
13.08. Alex Nowitz (voc) / Matthias Bauer (kb, voc)
wassermannvogel – Sabine Vogel (fl)/ Ute Wassermann (voc)

WHERE: next to garden center CAROMATISCH – Paretz-Hofer-Str.48, 14669 Ketzin
and across the Rosenvilla – Paretz-Hofer-Str.45, 14669 Ketzin
WHEN: start 15 h
bring your own picnic blanket

scroll down for description how to get there by public transportation

supported by


Paretzer Field Music 07.05.2023 part of OFFENE ATELIERS PARETZ
Land’s Air (Eduardo Cossio + Josten Myburgh) & Sabine Vogel + Emilio Gordoa + Josten Myburgh, exhibition: Lena Czerniawska
photos: S.Vogel

Article in the online magazine Resonate magazine about Land’s Air tour and experience at Paretzer Field Music: Land’s Air: Reflections from a European Tour

Diary entry: Reflections on camping outside Sabine Vogel’s bauwagen, and our performance at the concert series “Field Music Paretzer”

JM: I think every tour should have a camping trip – and more concerts need to happen outdoors! Playing outside in this special location near Ketzin has been a real highlight of the tour for me. It’s so interesting to explore how the music might belong: there’s a thrilling tension in how our thinking meets and mingles with the thinking(s) of the place, its human and non-human patterns and cultures.

The company of dear friends – two of my closest pals Emilio Gordoa and Lena Czerniawska and their son Federico, new friend Alex Nowitz, and Sabine Vogel who I expect I will be working with for a long time coming – was so nourishing. We ate radishes, rhubarb compote and stinging nettles from the soil we played on and breathed in the smells of spring flowers on the wind. After four very rockstar travel days where we only set foot on a handful of streets of Munich, Köln and Dusseldorf each before jetting off, this new pace was needed (though I must give a shoutout to hosts Uwe, Lu, Hannes and Georg, and the superfans of Düsseldorf who all wanted autographed CDs, for keeping spirits up!).

EC: Sabine’s playing on ceramic flutes (Tlapitzalli) from Oaxaca impressed me greatly. The flutes have two or three chambers tuned microtonally to each other. In a trio performance with Emilio Gordoa on snare drum and Josten Myburgh on alto saxophone, they created a spectral wash of sounds. Emilio elicited rich overtones scraping a cymbal on the snare, while Josten and Sabine tuned in and out of beating patterns. At some point during the performance Sabine switched to the Tlapitzalli. I was overcome by its sound. I stood up and got closer to the musicians as I felt like I was playing that music myself. I was immersed in the breathing-like cycles of the playing.” (18.05.2023 Resonate Magazine)

Land’s Air supported by

Paretzer Field Music 18.06.2023:
Silke Eberhard + Ulli Gumpert @Rosenvilla & Andrea Parkins + Sabine Vogel @Paretzer Field
photos ©Cristina Marx / Photomusix

Paretzer Field Music 16.07.2023:
Luigi Marino + Biliana Voutchkova + Sabine Vogel
photos ©Cristina Marx / Photomusix

Paretzer Field Music 13.08.2023:
Bauer&Nowitz /Matthias Bauer + Alex Nowitz) & wassermannvogel (Ute Wassermann + Sabine Vogel)
photos: S.Vogel


The fourth and last concert of PARETZER FIELD MUSIC for this season is presenting two duos:  
BAUER&NOWITZ Alex Nowitz (vocals) & Matthias Bauer (double bass, voice) 
Sabine Vogel (flutes, objects) & Ute Wassermann (voice, bird whistles, objects) 

an afternoon with voices, timbres, whistles and birds

The duo focuses on the potential of language, music and sound. In this respect, the double bass player, occasionally, also uses his voice while his co-player constantly changes the role as vocal performance artist going back and forth between the singing and the speaking voice, between extended vocal techniques and whistled sounds. One of the duo’s goals is the interaction between the two performers allowing each sphere, be it text or sound, to sparkle and merge with one another all of which aims to illuminate the beauty of both and, no less importantly, the space in-between. 
(Text by Denise Ripplefinger)

In this duo, the two musicians explore the similarities of their instrumentarium: the flute, arguably the instrument closest to the voice, is played by Sabine Vogel and is often sonically augmented by singing, whispering and various mouth percussion sounds. Ute Wassermann, on the other hand, uses various kinds of whistles, which are probably the simplest and most original form of the flute, to mask and extend her polyphonic singing. The result is a hybrid vocal-flute duo with iridescent, swirling, trilling, shrilling, breathing, singing timbres.

photo: Kai Bienert
photo: Sebastian Rausch

The third concert of this series this year is presenting the 
TRIO : Luigi Marino (bowed cymbals, zarb) / Biliana Voutchkova (violin) – Sabine Vogel (flutes) 

an afternoon with bowed strings and cymbals, moving air, whisper and sound

Photo: C.Marx
Photo: Monica Pittaluga
Sabine Vogel About
Photo: C.Marx

the second concert of Paretzer Field Music 2023 presents two duos:
Silke Eberhard (sax) / Uli Gumpert (pn) @ ROSENVILLA —- Andrea Parkins live-electronics & Sabine Vogel flutes

photo: Esther Suave

Keine Stücke, fertig, los! Der Klang des Altsaxophons verwebt sich mit dem des Pianos – so gut, dass die Klarinette diesmal im Köfferchen bleibt. Die emotionalen Linien verbinden sich zu einer glücklichen Fügung. Bei aller Dichte des Spiels gibt es ein Höchstmaß an Transparenz. Diese Art des Musizierens erinnert an Lennie Tristano und Lee Konitz, die bereits Ende der vierziger Jahre „frei“ gespielt haben – lange bevor der Begriff „Free Jazz“ in Umlauf kam. Im Unterschied zur kraftstrotzenden Geste in den sechziger Jahren ging es dem Kreis von Tristano um filigrane, spontan kreierte Kammermusik – bezeichnend mit Titeln wie „Intuition“ oder „Subconscious-Lee“. Doch die Jazzgeschichte wiederholt sich nicht. Silke Eberhard und Ulrich Gumpert sind keine Retro-Spieler, beide musizieren aus den Erfahrungen ihrer Biographien heraus.(Aus den Linernotes, CD Peanuts & Vanities, Jazzwerkstatt – von Bert Noglik)

Andrea Parkins (acc, live-electronics) / Sabine Vogel (flutes, objects) play on the grounds next to the Caromatisch gardener. The bird life and especially the bird calls are unique there at this time of year and electronic sounds interweave with the natural soundscape of this place and promise a special listening experience.

Land’s Air:
Josten Myburgh: Saxophone
Eduardo Cossio: Zither

Eduardo Cossio & Josten Myburgh are a duo of improvisers based in Boorloo (Perth, Western Australia). Having played together in various formations over many years, they began refining a duo language in 2021 towards this unexpectedly melodic release. 

Working with found microtonality in detuned zithers and alto saxophone multiphonics, the duo spin melodies and harmonies around each other, slowly unfolding, making sense of the tonality in real time. The harmonic sense is emergent from the interaction between instruments, players, space and place, rather than forethought by any system. 

Eduardo Cossio & Josten Myburgh’s visit is supported by the Western Australian government through the Department of Local Government, Sports and Cultural Industries.

Emilio Gordoa: Percussion
Josten Myburgh: Saxophone
Sabine Vogel: Flutes

This trio performed first time together in January 2023 in the mountains of Tepotzlán in Mexico. And they are very excited to play now on the fields of Paretz and tune into this very different sound and landscape!


How to get there by public transportation.
There is the RE4 leaving from Berlin main station or Berlin Jungfernheide. Get off at Wustermark. Either take a bus (614 direction Ketzin) from there. Get off at Schloss Paretz. There will be one bus arriving shortly before 3 pm. 
You also can take the bikes on the train and just bike from WUSTERMARK (approx. 30 minutes)
Come and join us for a nice afternoon with music in nature.
this is the link on google maps:

From Paretzer-Hofer-Str.48, just follow the signs. 
Bring your own picnic blanket, food and drinks.
We will offer a little bit of food and drinks as well.

artistic director: Sabine Vogel
project coordinator: Christin Eckart
flyer design: Lena Czerniawska

funded by